The trick is to keep the AD out of the range of the attacking troops but to make sure the AD range just barely covers the outskirts of the outer walls. Keep them away from the Edge ESPECIALLY out of the reach of the Archer Queen when she is outside of the outer layer of walls.ĮZE TIP There is a "sweet spot" for the AD to defend against the infamous Queen Walk.

No matter the strategy there is a common goal in all Air Defense placement. To combat this advanced players use a number of different strategic placements of their Air Defenses including placing them behind the high hit point storages, placing them in triangle patterns (or squares when they have 4) all within each others range and placing them near the core of the base forcing the attacking player to clear most of the base before they reach the Air Defenses. Players will use an Earthquake Spell followed by 2 Lightning Spells on one Air Defense (destroying it) and continue to spawn their troops in large groups as close to the remaining Air Defenses in hopes to overwhelm and destroy them before they themselves get shot out of the sky. Placing the Air Defenses on your base can be a tricky proposition now that the Earthquake Spell and Lightning Spell is such a common tool in the destruction of the AD. With this in mind many advanced players will place Seeking Air Mines and Hidden Tesla Towers around their Air Defenses to help support them. That troop the Lava Hound will shoot across the base and camp out over the Air Defense protecting the rest of the troops from their potent rockets. Topping out at 360 damage per shot at level 9 and shooting one shot per second they deal the highest consistent damage per second from any defense in the game! Too bad they can't shoot Golems ! Air Defenses were so powerful that SuperCell had to develop a troop that specifically targets the AD. Air Defenses are a super high powered air-only defensive structure designed to take down those high hit point troops like the Dragon.